Originally written January 4, 2011

Much has changed throughout the past few months. Firstly, I haven't blogged. Secondly, the film is complete. Thirdly, we're already in the editing process. Director is no longer Director. She's Editor. Audio was recorded on an external device. Chaos ensued. Oh, and we all finally settled on a name for the film. Finally.

No Lost Cause

Our projected end date will be in March-April. Preferrably March. The quicker it gets finished, the quicker we can send it out to festivals, and the quicker we can start our next project (which I'm equally excited about).

BUT, I can't tell you what it is. To be honest, we're not sure what it is, either. We already have a bunch of screenplays lined up that we're desparate to make into movies. But since we're only a small group of people, it's best we do the "one thing at a time"...thing. SIGH. I suppose we'll have to finish this one first.

And if we don't finish this one, we'll have mobs lining up outside our homes with pitchforks and guns.

I've also decided to post a little somethin-somethin about our wonderful cast and crew throughout the coming weeks. Since I'm incapable of expressing my emotions and gratitude verbally, I have learned that it's easier to write about them! Every few days, it'll be someone different. This should tie everyone over until the film is complete, right? Right? No? SIGH.

We'll throw in the poster as well, okay? As soon as it's finished, of course.


Originally written Friday, August 27, 2010    
     Director and Producer (me) are meeting with a guy that runs everything over at the local park today. We'll be filming there, hopefully, two days in the coming months. That is...if he likes us. Fingers crossed that he will.
    In the meantime, Director wrote a script long ago that was meant for stage, but we adapted it into a short film. Since I have a new, amazing, fantastical camera, we're going to test the short film on that and try to impress people with our amazing skills so they will work for us and give us money. Dream big, right? I just threw that last part in there about the money. But I will accept cash if offered.
     Bundles of it.
     Composer is doing some neat things right now. He gave me a sample of the soundtrack that he came up with pretty much on the spot, and I was so green with envy it made me want to vomit. People, look out...he's the next Hans Zimmer.
     If you don't know who that is, google him or youtube him. Then you'll realize how empty and void your life was before Hans.
     And finally, I came to a conclusion today. I love Fall. I love everything about it. The temperature, the colors, pumpkins, the temperature, no allergies, the temperature. I'm happy to be filming in the Fall.
     I made a promise to myself that I would never, ever, EVER film in the summer. I did for KFW this Summer, and it's just too much of a hassle. What, with the sweat and tears. And misery.
Posted by Proverb Films